So often in life we look for the answers outside of ourselves. The truth is, everything we need — all that we are — can only be found within.

Meet Isabella ॐ

I’m a homebody at heart- I can spend hours puttering around my house with a cup of coffee and loving up on my kitties. I find a majority of my inspiration and wisdom from nature; Mama Earth is a natural healer. I geek out over anything that makes me happier, healthier, or a little more resilient than the day before.

I’m a devoted student of yoga and mindfulness. My practice has changed my life in infinite ways— most of all, it has helped me feel more connected with myself and the world around me. My journey with yoga began when I was 17, merely for physical purposes. The more I showed up to my mat, the more I began to see this practice was much deeper. I’ve been on this path for the past 9 years, and I feel everyday as I am just beginning. I discovered the immense healing powers of the mind-body connection. I began to see the world with much softer eyes and a warmer heart. This is what led me to my deep and lifelong journey through the layers of this lifestyle. Namaste y’all. The answer is LOVE.

Connect with me.

Feel free to send me an email or message regarding questions you have. I am looking forward to seeing you in the studio, or connecting at your space for some yoga!


